Friday, May 3, 2013

BGA/CHCC League Scoring

The BGA scoring is now in place. To find it, click here or on the Leaderboard located at the top of the right hand column. You're going to see all kinds of new stats like birdies, bogeys, putts, and different things to brag about.

I need to explain the "Points" column on the very right of the scoring page. This is our BGA Classic scoring with one minor alteration. The software we are using awards points instead of showing under/over par totals. So you want to earn points by scoring low. I know it sounds backwards but that's only because it is. Here are a few examples of the revised scoring.:

Mark Klein shoots a net 34 which is 2 under par. He gets 2 points.
George Cameron shoots a net 50 which is 14 over. He loses 14 points and shows -14.
Ken Korba did not play so he's penalized 3 shots and has a -3 score.

We also have skins scoring based on net. I'm not sure what to do with this yet but if anyone has any suggestions, let me know.

Thanks to Mike and his staff at CHCC for setting this up and running it for us.It's a whole lot better for all of us and a whole lot easier for me. And these days, I really like easy.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Handicaps & Scoring

Big news from the BGA world. Chestnut Hill has agreed to administer our league handicaps and scoring for this year. That may not seem like a big deal to some of you but for me, it's huge. Not only do I get out of countless hours of tedious scorecard collecting, analysis and arithmetic, but I will also no longer feel guilty when I fall weeks behind and have to scramble to catch up. What's new for us? Not much but you will have to do these things in this order:

1. When you sign in they should give you a special league scorecard. If they don't, please ask for it.

2. Use this scorecard instead of the traditional CHCC issue as it contains more data. Fill it out COMPLETELY with full names and add up ALL scores.

3. When you are finished with your 9 holes, turn your scorecard in to one if the girls at the bar.

That's it. Your responsibilities (and mine) are now complete. CHCC takes over from here and within a few days our results, adjusted handicaps and standings will appear on their website for all of us to see. Just like magic.

I have added a link to our website to make it as easy as possible for us to keep current with our stats. The BGA Leaderboard is located at the top right of each page and the graphic actually resembles the leaderboards used at the Masters.

And finally, perhaps the best part of this new feature is that it eliminates any temptation I might have to manually adjust or "jack up" a players handicap. Not that it happens very frequently but, just saying.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

BGA 2013

Well, looks like we made it to another year of exciting golf at Chestnut Hill CC. Here are the details:

Cost: $288 for the season gets you 16 weeks of play. Pay this directly to Chestnut Hill Country Club.

Start Date: Our official Opening Night is Tuesday, April 30th. Dress warmly. But as you will see below, we are actually starting a week earlier on April 23rd (dress warmer).

Tee Times: 4:36 and every 8 minutes or so thereafter.

Now here is something different: We get a free night of play on April 23. All we have to do is supply a complete roster to CHCC before that day and we can play for free. I don't know about the rest of you guys but I could use a little practice. So please check our roster to see if you are still listed (funny things can happen in the BGA in the off-season) and if your info is correct. Let me know if something needs to be changed.

Competitions: Mostly the same as last year and listed in the sidebar and on the Competitions page.

So that's it for now. See you on Tuesday, April 23 for our freebie.

Monday, June 25, 2012

China & Megan

Although this didn't happen during an official BGA event, it was Fruity's tournament which is sanctioned and supported by the BGA. This video was captured at the bar after the tournament ended and is basically a simple case of China being China. I especially like the expressions of disgust on our barmaid Megan's face after he asks her to pose for the BGA blog. Priceless ...

By the way, Megan is the girl I wrote about previously who was 1 years old when we started the BGA in 1989. Funny how she grew up and the rest of us stayed the same age.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

(Not So) Perfect Attendance

Not much to say about Week 6 except that nobody was there. That was by far the most pathetic display of attendance since the league was formed. We had a total of 9 league members play. The missing? 

Fruity, Ciurzynski, Pesta, Korba: in Vegas. Valid excuse for Fruity since he almost lives there anyway but not for the other three guys.
George: recovering from open heart surgery which I consider a valid excuse
Tim Crist: in Albany for work (not a valid excuse)
Jack Walsh: preparing for cataract surgery. Not valid because he doesn't see that well anyway.
Mark Neff: unknown absence which I will consider a valid excuse for Mark. And this the 3rd missed week of the year for Mark which is astounding for a guy who had perfect attendance just two years ago.
Scott Kantorski was also absent and I will accept whatever reason he has as valid so he doesn't yell at me.
Ken Karl was there and shot 39.

I don't know her name but she's the barmaid with dark hair and 14 tattoos and she looks like she's still in high school. Nice girl. I told her that when we started our league she was probably watching Sesame Street on TV. She asked me what year we started, I said 1989, she said she was one then. So the BGA existed before the new barmaid started to watch Sesame Street! Tell me we're not getting older, just better.